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Better off as Friends: The Psychology & Science of Relationships

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Over the last two years, I’ve researched the origin of relationships to uncover the truth behind our patterns. This process also allowed me to develop a self-awareness that provided clarity on areas within myself that I needed to address.

In addition to personal growth I also realized that over the years, I entered many intimate relationships with individuals that were better off remaining platonic friends. The weight of getting into those relationships early on created expectations, barriers, and emotional baggage that followed me for years. Why do we enter relationships the resemble marriage? Why do we engage in casual sex relationships? How do these things impact us long term? These are all questions that arose while developing this book. With the relational benefits that society presents are we better off as friends? The duality of this question speaks to the essence of the foundation of many relationships. The information shared in this book is vital to understanding the psychology behind the choices we make regarding relationships and the events that shape our lives. As you read this book open your mind to new concepts and reevaluate things that you have been taught.


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